Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Do we really need meds or is it all in our heads?

Okay, so the medication debate is not as black and white as the title may suggest.  It sure is worth having, however, as an article that came out this June in APA’s Monitor on Psychology about the inappropriate prescribing of psychotropic medication spells out.

Medication can be a game-changer for some people, allowing them to function in ways that they simply could not before being prescribed an appropriate medication.  For many others, more than we may guess, medication may not be as necessary or helpful as we are led to believe.  And when it comes to medicating children, be even more careful with prescribing, especially in light of the fact that many medications have not been thoroughly researched for kids.


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

5 Foods That Negatively Affect Your Child’s Mood.

Parents intuitively know that food can impact their child’s behavior and mood. We know that sweets, for example, can cause bouts of hyperactivity. But mood-altering food isn’t limited to sugar – there are other culprits in the snacks and meals that we feed our little ones.